If The Beatles invited you backstage, what would you ask them?
— The Beatles Earth (@BeatlesEarth) May 10, 2021
If The Beatles invited you backstage, what would you ask them?
They invited me to the wedding. 彼らは私を結婚式に招待してくれた.
この質問の答えとしては「私なら〜するでしょう」でI would 〜となりそうですが、実際にはどのような返信があったのでしょうか。
i wouldn’t ask anything, i’ll just say thank you for saving my life
— gaby en su paris geller era (@GabyRashuaman) May 10, 2021
I wouldn’t ask, I would thank them
— esther_ (@EstherFerraz13) May 10, 2021
I would just say Thank you.
— Jayson Tanner (@CosmicJt23) May 10, 2021
It’s not what to ask them, but to graciously thank them for sharing their gifts and being a great part of the soundtrack to our lives. Thank you George, John, Ringo, and Paul. Thank you!
— C. Scott Buchanan (@CBigscott96) May 11, 2021
I'd thank them for existing and then I'd ask them for a long session of jokes and funny comments (just to hear them that scouse and that laughter😍).
— Schwanenlied 🦢 (@dark_swan) May 11, 2021
I have always wanted to ask them who they thought was the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time…..would they say Stones or Led Zep or perhaps Beach Boys or perhaps The Who or Pink Floyd…or maybe The Eagles???
— Duke (@dukeontheradip) May 10, 2021
I have always wanted to ask them who they thought was the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time…..would they say Stones or Led Zep or perhaps Beach Boys or perhaps The Who or Pink Floyd…or maybe The Eagles???
I have always wanted to ask them who they thought was the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time.
I have always wanted to ask them who they thought the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time was.ではないかという疑問が生じますが、do you thinkは、実はwh疑問詞の後で、挿入できる特別な句と言われているようです。したがって、
I have always wanted to ask them who they thought was the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time.
I have always wanted to ask [say to] them, “Who do you think is the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time?”
(I have always wanted to ask [say to] them, “Who do you think the SECOND GREATEST BAND of All Time is?”でもいいのでしょうか。do you thinkをwh疑問詞の後に挿入したと見れば前者になりそうですが、前者は間違いで後者が正しいという人は必ずいると思います。このtwitterの返信を正しいとすると前者でいいと思います。だいたいネイティブの人は厳密に使い分けしているのでしょうか)
Would they say Stones or Led Zep or perhaps Beach Boys or perhaps The Who or Pink Floyd…or maybe The Eagles???
definitely(100%) > probably(80%) > maybe(50%) > perhaps(30%) > possibly(20%) > never(0%)
definitely(絶対に) > probably(おそらく) > maybe(たぶん) > perhaps(もしかすると) > possibly(ひょっとすると) > never(決して〜ない)
上の問いではコメントした人はThe EaglesがBeach BoysやThe WhoやPink Floydよりも確率が高いと示唆しているのでしょうか。それともmaybeとperhapsの微妙な違いはあまり気にしていないのでしょうか。そこのところはわかりませんが、私だったら可能性の高い順に列挙するような気がします。
I would just look at them and remain quiet…
— Iñigo Odriozola (@inigo_odriozola) May 10, 2021
I wouldn’t get the chance to ask them anything cause I’d be passed out
— brook #lennonliveson (@loveoflennon) May 10, 2021
Who is singing the chorus in a day in the life and solve the mystery once and for all
— Zachary Taylor (@Zachary32933876) May 11, 2021
(A Day In The Lifeのコーラスのアーアアアーアアアーアアアーの部分を誰が歌っているかcontroversialだったので、答えを直接訊きたいとうこと)