What Beatles song can you not get enough of at the moment?



What Beatles song can you not get enough of at the moment?というのはどういう意味でしょう。

What Beatles song can’t you get enough of at the moment?と書き換えることができるでしょうか。

What is your Beatles song that you cannot get enough of at the moment?でもいいでしょうか。

can’t get enough ofは「~をやめられない、~に飽きない、~に夢中である、~には目がない◆嗜好品などについて by英辞郎」で、at the momentが「今のところ、当座は、ちょうど今、ちょうどその時」という意味なので、標記の英文の意味は「あなたが今夢中になっているビートルズの曲は何ですか?」といった意味になりそうです。


can you not get enough ofで検索して調べてみると、次のような例文が出てきました。

I can’t get enough of this song.(この曲何度聞いても飽きないわー)

I can’t get enough of it. どれだけやっても飽きない

I can’t get enough of her. 彼女に夢中だよ。

標記の質問の意味がわかったところで自分の答えは何だろうと考えると、これは別のtweetの質問と同じではないかとなりました。ただ質問の形を変えただけです。例えばDo you have a Beatles song that turns your whole day around?とか、What’s your favorite Beatles love song?とかです。

今回のWhat Beatles song can you not get enough of at the moment?という質問に対する皆さんの返信を見てみました。以下に4月4日からのコメントに出てきた曲名を順次挙げていきます。(重複分もそのままコピペして列挙しました)

Lovely Rita
Yer blues
This Boy
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Black bird
Black bird
Hey Jude
All You Need is Love
Happiness is a Warm Gun
The Fool on the Hill
Fool on the Hill
In My Life
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Hey Jude
Hey Jude
Baby Your A Rich Man
Hey Bulldog
Here there everywhere
the ballad of John and Yoko
All You Need Is Love
Helter Skelter
Paperback Writer
Literally anything from the anthology’s
Hey jude and yesterday
Strawberry Fields Forever
She loves you
Dear Prudence
Dear Prudence
I Want You
Oh Darling
Hey Bulldog
Rocky Raccoon
You’ve got to hide your love away
Hey Bulldog
What You’re Doing
Baby you’re a rich man
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Let it be
Hey jude
Old Brown Shoe
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go?(←Wham!ではないか?)
Revolution 9
Hey Jude
I Will
Hey Jude Na Na Na naaaaaaa
this boy and blue blue sky
hey jude
here comes the sun
I’m Only Sleeping
Yer Blues
A Day in the Life
Paperback Writer
two of us
Elranor Rigby
In My Life
Dear Prudence
Mono version of “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Clib Band” reprise
Most of them, but ‘hey bulldog’ atm(atm:at the moment 今のところ)
Come together
Because and Something
We Can Work It Out
Paperback Writer
For no one
you never give me your money has been stuck in my head all week
Lady Madonna
A day in the life
octopus’s garden
With a Little Help from my Friends
All my loving
Can’t Buy Me Love
Strawberry Fields Forever
Drive My Car
A Taste Of Honey
I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
Mean Mr. Mustard
Hey Jude
Blue Jay Way
A Day In The Life
I find myself singing ‘Hey Jude’ often…
Here, there and everywhere
Paperback Writer
Hey Bulldog
I’m So Tired
I am the Walrus
Within you within me(???)(← Within You Without Youのことか?)
Twist and shout
Come Together
Like asking which one of your children you like the best!
No Reply
If I Fell
Here comes the sun
I saw her standing there
In My Life
I Me Mine
i want to tell you
Drive My Car
Norwegian Wood
Across the Universe
Day Tripper
All the entire album of Magical Mystery Tour
Carnival of light(???)
Two of us
Two of us
Across The Universe
Maxwells silver hammer
get back
Blackbird and Let It Be currently
We can work it out
Come together, I am the Walrus, Strawberry fields, Day in the life, Revolution, Help, Please me, Lady Madonna, Get back, we can work it out, Tomorrow never knows
Twist & Shout
Tomorrow Never Knows
octopus’s garden
When my Guitar Gently Weeps
You know my name ( look up the number )
Strawberry Fields
Across The Universe
I Need You
My Sweet Lord
A Hard Day’s Night
For the Benefit of Mr Kite. Ringos drumming fab.
honey pie
In my life
The Long and Winding Road
She Said She Said
Oh Darling
You Won’t See Me
In my life
Do you want to know a secret
literally all of them, but i’ve been listening to Martha My Dear, Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby, From Me To You a lot lately 🙂
The songs on Please Please Me to Abbey Road……(← 結局全部lol)
A day in the life, mono version
hard days night!
Please please me
Penny lane
Old Brown Shoe
In My Life
Love You To
Please Please Me
Long Tailed Winter Bird(???)
She’s so heavy, one of the few handful of songs by them that doesn’t feel like forks twisting my ear canal
Here Comes the Sun — Very apt
Old Brown Shoe

上記のように意外なところではBlack Birdがよく出てきていました。

Hey Bulldogは私も好きです。Yellow Submarine Songtrackもよく聴くし、DVDもよく見ます。

All the entire album of Magical Mystery Tourというのもよくわかります。私はアルバムMagical Mystery Tourはよく聴いているレコード/CDのベスト3に入ります。

You know my name (Look up the number)が挙がっていたのには少し驚きました。ネタですかね?

たまにソロ活動の時の曲が入っています(JohnのImagineとかGeorgeのMy Sweet Lordとか)。

その他、他のアーティストによるカバーがあったので貼り付けておきます。ボン・ジョヴィによるHere Comes The Sunもいいですね。






  1. Which Beatles song is perfect for a wedding?

  2. If you could hangout with a Beatles song, which song would you choose?

  3. What is your favorite Beatles lyric?

  4. What Beatles song can you not get enough of at the moment?

  5. If The Beatles invited you backstage, what would you ask them?
